Wednesday 13 October 2010

Ai Weiwei's Sunflower Seeds

At the Tate Modern on Monday, interviewed by Sky News about Ai Weiwei's installation:
Sky's Lucy Mcdonald, who was at the unveiling of the installation, said: "It works on lots of different levels because you can hear them crunching, feel them and obviously you can see them as well." Art critic Karen Wright is a big fan of the work and claims it is "about generosity". She told Sky News: "This is about Weiwei giving something to people, and he is like that, when you meet him, he's a truly spiritual man and a tough man. "He's put up with a lot in his life. He grew up on a work camp in China with his father, a famous poet who was incarcerated, and he has learnt from that to be generous to people rather than mean." She added: "They bring this eastern quality of a kind of magic carpet to the Tate - it's very much like a Zen garden."

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